A big Hi to you all.
Years come fast and years go
Here's my New Year wish for you
May you have a Blessed New Year
Full of love, laughter and cheer!
I take this opportunity to thank all those who gave me encouragement and support on my little journey towards materializing (virtual) "Simple Dreams".
Just as promises are made to be broken, I think resolutions are too........ :) Experts suggest that instead of making resolutions it's better to directly get into action right away...... If at all I'll have to make something called as resolution in this new year it will be nothing but "to keep the blog updated regularly...".
And if at all you too have made new year resolutions, I suggest you to write them down, read out loud and then by the end of every month take an appraisal of your performance without fail.... that too till the end of the year, till your resolutions are accomplished to some extent. This will help you out against tendencies to break resolutions made on New Year's day.
Funniest Thing Happened The Year Before:
Well I'm not going to narrate something funniest happened to me last year but I've got something interesting rather funny to share with you. Few years ago when I attended a new year's house party in Dubai, we were all asked to share the "funniest thing happened to us in the previous year". Everybody shared an incident they found humourous happened to them during the year. One incident told by a friend is still afresh in my mind which is as follows. I'd like to put it in his own words:
I do not have a funniest or humourous incident to share with you but let me try. My wife has gone home (to India) along with my children on Christmas Holidays and I'm bachelor again. Every time my wife calls me from home, she keeps worrying what diffculty I must be facing in her absence particularly when it comes to food. This is indeed a funniest thing for me because she does not know that fact that ever since she's gone, I have been having good time trying out variety of restaurants of this city, one after another.....
Funny enough isn't it?
Funny enough isn't it?
Good one indeed! As you correctly said, resolutions are made just to be broken. I am with you on that.
Please click on the link below to read my latest blog on New Year Resolutions. I don't know about others but I think it is quite funny. :-)
BTW, the photos on your blogpage are very vivid and electric. I loved them.
Hi Meenakshi,
Thanks for your comments. I visited your site and read your recent blogpost. Your consitency in maitaining the only resolution is great! and funny indeed. Thanks for stopping by.. cheers robert.
Hey, as u said resolutions are meant to be broken..I have never had any resolutions made for myself...ever..but this time, when my friend asked me, I told him I have taken a resolution to go forward thinking of only myself and not anybdy else...but then, I myself knew, I would be breaking it the very next minute I make the resolution...lol!!!
Pls do visit my blog and go thru them when u get time...do follow and comment also...It would be surely an encouragement...
btw, saw the pics..they r all so beautiful..especially, bcoz I have seen them all myself in real...All the best in ur photography...
Thanx for stopping by and leaving a comment. I was happy to be there at your blog too. Wish you a Happy New Year and happy blogging of course.
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